We provide you with all relevant data on construction activity worldwide in the B+L Data Portal, the GlobalBuildingMonitor. There you will find:
The data are available to you as reports, presentations, spreadsheets (xls), etc.
The B+L DataPortal offers you comprehensive information on the construction industry in 100 countries in a convenient portal solution for the evaluation and analysis of this data. Numerous functions make the B+L DataPortal a helpful tool that could also provide you with an essential data infrastructure for efficient market reporting. The B+L DataPortal always offers you up-to-date market information, which is updated regularly through monthly data updates.
The integration of standardised indicators such as permits or completions in residential construction, non-residential construction and civil engineering enables you to carry out country comparisons of the various indicators. The database is based on monthly, quarterly and annual data from various data sources, which B+L calculates into meaningful forecasts in its own scenarios and models. These forecasts are reviewed on a quarterly basis and adjusted to current market developments. Based on these calculations, you can use the B+L DataPortal to analyze your target markets and identify opportunities and challenges. Furthermore, various product studies are part of the portal, so that this information is also part of the integrated reporting.
Numerous technical solutions make it possible for you to create convenient and individually adapted market reporting: notifications, automatic reports, country comparisons, data exports, adapted charts or the integration of your corporate identity are just a few examples of the diversity of the B+L DataPortal.
Forecasts for the construction industry for all countries worldwide. The map shows an example of the construction volume in 2018 in Euro.
Data for the following countries are available. These countries represent over 95% of the global construction volume.
Click arrow (right) to see all countries.
Standard content of the GlobalBuildingMonitor. (Click on the plus (+) button to see all the content.)
How to create your own market report: B+L MarketReporting_manual.pdf
Jens Wehenkel
Tel.: +49 228 62987-33
e-mail: JW@BL2020.com