Study: Renovation potentials in the housing and real estate sector Germany

Author Marcel Dresse Email to the authors
Language version German

With more than 4 million units, the housing and real estate industry is an important target group for the construction supply industry, especially in the field of renovation. The approach to the target group as well as the refurbishment activity itself differs significantly from that of private house builders and refurbishers.
The study has therefore extended the proven concept of the B+L renovation study, for which predominantly private renovators were surveyed, to housing companies, housing companies and institutional real estate owners/landlords (for example: Vonovia, Deutsche Wohnen, Saga GWG, Vivawest , LEG Immobilien, GAG Immobilien AG) in order to
•    to carry out an inventory of the companies' restructuring activities
•    to estimate the future redevelopment potentials
•    identify future trends in remediation

To this end, the decision-making structures, the measures implemented and the perceptions of current market trends were examined.
The study examines the following remediation measures in detail:
•    facade insulation
•    Renovation of the facade (paint / plaster)
•    bathroom renovations
•    roof renovations
•    Replacement of heating systems
•    Replacement of floor coverings
•    Exchange of interior doors
•    Replacement / installation of roof windows
•    Replacement of windows and external doors
•    Renewal of power lines or water-carrying lines
The data collection is based on telephone interviews with the responsible persons of the companies, in which core questions concerning the reorganization and modernization activities were examined. The study is based on a total of 50 completed interviews with the target group. Due to the market concentration in the housing industry, the companies surveyed cover approx. 80% of the institutional housing market, so that the survey can be used to draw conclusions about the overall market.

 Renovation potentials in the housing and real estate sector Germany
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Marcel Dresse
I am happy to answer any questions regarding the study.
Marcel Dresse
Tel: +49 228 62987-27
Price: 7.780,00 €
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